BMW Auto Repair Shop in Thousand Oaks

If you drive a BMW in Thousand Oak, finding an experienced BMW auto shop means your car can get the care it needs to help it maintain its performance and give you the smooth ride you know and love.

Call: (805) 719-7814

At Accurate Automotive, we have expert BMW repair specialists who can help you with a wide range of auto repairs, including a BMW oil change, BMW scheduled maintenance, a tune-up, diagnostic checks for check engine light, and more. We understand BMW autos and can guarantee your motor is in good hands with our skilled mechanics in Thousand Oak.

BMW Scheduled Maintenance

BMW Auto Repair Shop in Thousand OaksPart and parcel of keeping your BMW in top condition means ensuring you take your auto in for regular scheduled maintenance. But how often should you get your vehicle booked in for scheduled maintenance? BMW recommends that owners keep to a regular schedule of work at predetermined intervals, as below.

  • Every 5,000 miles/6 months
    Rear and front brake inspection and brake fluid check, engine inspection, engine oil check, vehicle inspection, wiper blade check, tire rotation, engine coolant check, engine inspection, and cabin air assessment.
  • Every 10,000 miles/yearly
    Engine oil, filter, and coolant replacement.
  • Every 20,000 miles/ 2 yearly
    Check fuel filters and change them if necessary.
  • Every 30,000/3 years
    Replace brake fluid and transmission fluid on manual transition autos.
  • Every 60,000/6 years
    Replace transmission fluid on automatic vehicles, inspect and replace brake pads and rotors if required, and replace air filters and spark plugs.
  • 90.,0000 miles
    Replace timing belts and hoses.
  • Once you exceed 90,000 miles, it is recommended you keep up with your 5,000 miles preventative maintenance for your BMW.

    To keep your BMW running smoothly, call us today to discuss your preventive or scheduled maintenance and give your BMW the best care possible.

    BMW Repairs

    BMW Auto Repair Shop in Thousand OaksAt Accurate Autos, we help countless numbers of BMW owners get the right car repairs to give them peace of mind that their cars are driveable and fit for purpose.

    We can supply you with original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts and fluids expertly fitted by our ASE-certified technicians or available on request. We can discuss high-quality aftermarket parts and fluids if preferred to carry out the most effective repairs and maintenance to your BMW to the highest standards.

    BMW Check Engine Light

    Has your check engine light lit up your dashboard, and you’re unsure what triggered this warning? It’s not always obvious why your check engine light illuminates your BMW dash; it can indicate a multitude of issues that need checking out on your auto.

    From a malfunction in the fuel injection systems to a dirty airflow sensor, a damaged oxygen sensor, or a faulty head gasket, driving for prolonged periods with your check engine light on can exacerbate the damage and cause more problems.

    We can examine your BMW, run diagnostic tests for check engine light indications, identify the cause for your check engine lights, and explain the appropriate course of action to rectify the problem.

    Electrical Diagnostics And Repair

    Is your BMW not starting correctly, or are you feeling a change in its performance? It could be that you are experiencing issues with the car’s electrical system. Being able to find the root cause of the problems means you need to carry out a vehicle inspection and electrical diagnostics and repair to get your car back to its full potential and on the road.

    Trust our ASE-certified technicians to expertly diagnose any electrical issues and execute the repair to restore your vehicle to full capacity.

    BMW Brake Repairs

    Your brakes will be under a lot of pressure from regular day-to-day driving, and the brakes and associated parts will need repairs and replacements periodically. Driving with worn brake pads or damaged brakes will seriously affect your stopping ability and put you at a greater risk of an accident. Visit Accurate Auto for brake and light inspection.

    BMW Auto Repair Shop in Thousand OaksCall us today to get a brake inspection to assess their condition, and then book in for a BMW brake repair or new brakes to improve safety when driving and ensure your car meets the legal standards required for braking. If you are unsure if your brakes need some attention or if you have noticed any changes in how your car acts when hitting the brakes, we can conduct comprehensive brake assessments to find the problem.

    BMW Auto AC Repair

    Your AC is an essential part of your comfort when driving, and if your AC isn’t working correctly or even at all, you need to book a BMW automotive AC repair to bring your system back to life and allow you to drive in comfort. We will check the cooling system, hoses, thermostat operations, and radiator to ensure we find the cause of AC issues and get you back up and running to hit the roads in Thousand Oak and surrounding areas, including;

    At Accurate Automotive, we can provide a wide range of comprehensive services and repairs for your BMW. Our expert vehicle technicians are on hand to identify and fix all of the common repairs experienced by BMW owners without compromising on safety or quality of expertise. Sure, you can take your BMW to any mechanics for repairs, but to give yourself peace of mind and get the best level of service and results, you need expert BMW technicians who know precisely how to approach any BMW repair from a BMW oil chance to a head gasket repair, a BMW suspension repair to a coolant flush, talk to us today to see how we can assist you in ensuring your BMW is in the best condition possible.